Posts Tagged ‘Assisted Living’

Free Caregiver Resource eBook: 8/26/12 Only!

Very important for those who are caregivers or know they will be one day soon.

 On 8/26/12 from 12 AM to 11:59 PM, my “Taking Care of Mom and Dad” eBook will be free on!

You don’t need a Kindle to get it – a PC, Android, or any number of eReaders will do just fine. Amazon has a free download for you to use. Download the reader and then download the eBook!

This book is regularly $6.99. If you have a need or know any followers that need help with caregiving, please share/tweet/google+ or do whatever you need to. I am happy to give this away for one day.

In order to get the eBook, click on the icon to the right or right here: 

New eBook for Caregivers

I am very excited to announce that my newest eBook has been released on Amazon in the Kindle Bookstore. The title is: Taking Care of Mom and Dad: A Baby Boomer’s Resource Guide. I cannot tell you how happy I am to finally have this completed. I worked for a very long time to put together all the information. I used all 20 years working with Seniors in putting together a comprehensive handbook for caregivers thrust into service, not knowing the first thing to do or first place to look for help. This is particularly helpful if you are caregiving from afar.

This is not a book that tells you how to deal with emotional issues, it is a book that is practical and comprehensive explaining different federal programs and how they work with a state. I show you the correct agency to contact through phone, address, or email who can give you state-specific information. While most of this CAN be found, you must be well-versed in Aging Service vernacular and acronyms which often change from state to state and program to program. It also clearly explains requirements in most elder-driven social programs as well as components that each state is required to offer.

If you have the correct reader, all sites (including the table of contents ) are clickable – they have been checked and re-checked to assure no dead links. You do not have to have a Kindle in order to read the eBook – I do not have one – you can download the Amazon reader for personal computers, blackberry, android, iPads, iPhone, MAC, and Windows phone 7.

Maybe you do not need this information, but if you know someone who does, please pass it along to them. The information presented in the eBook may be used by anyone in any of the states or territories within the U.S.

Little Known Special Pension for Veterans and Spouse

There is a little known special pension benefit for Veterans that has been available for more than half a century! It is called the Aid & Attendance Special Pension and it provides vets with a pension for assisted living and home-bound care. It is a cash benefit.
This special pension could provide as much as $1,519 per month to a vet, $976 to a qualifying surviving spouse, or $1,801 per month to a couple. There are medical and financial eligibility requirements that must be met in order to qualify. The vet or surviving spouse may apply if the veteran served at least 90 days of active duty with at least one day in a period of declared war.
To be eligible to qualify the person must need assistance with normal activities of daily living including; bathing, dressing, eating or be living in a care facility. Financial qualifications are more liberal than those for Medicaid and if the person is over 65 years of age, they MIGHT qualify even if they are healthy…………however, they must meet the financial qualifications.
If you contact your local vet representative, be sure to ask for the “Aid & Attendance Special Pension”. Some representatives are not aware of this. The application process is daunting to say the least but well worth it when it can provide your mom and dad assistance that will allow them to live in an assisted living facility. Those facilities can be very costly and might be out of reach for your family without this assistance.
For more information, call the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs at 1-800-827-1000 and follow the prompts. If those phone trees make you mad like they make me mad, I suggest going to the following website: Click on “healthcare” and “benefits” or use their search tool (at the top of the page) to find information on this very important program.
Good luck!